Make today your masterpiece.

This is the place you can be whoever you want to be. People with disability have the freedom to choose, try and master any skill, hobby or craft. Let’s make your dream a reality.


Experience Disability Day Programs

At Sunnyfield’s Community Service Hubs, it’s all about living your best life to the fullest. Connect with your local community and get a daily dose of fulfilment through centre-based and community-based activities of your choosing. We’re big advocates of new life experiences, so get ready to push boundaries, enhance your abilities and make life-long friends. Make today your day.

Community Services Spotlight

Community Services Spotlight

Bexley Hub’s new mural wall

The Red Cape Group generously funded two new funky mural wall’s at Sunnyfield Bexley Community Hub, adding a splash of colour and vibrancy to the space.

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