Australian Markets Trading Day for Charity


November 16, 2020

From left to right Peter, Joel and Trudie from Sunnyfield Maitland Hub.

Thank you to our long term supporter, ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation for including Sunnyfield in this amazing event.

Sunnyfield is proud to be one of the 11 charities benefitting from the inaugural Australian Markets Trading Day for Charity.
On Thursday 26th November, the ASX is donating all revenue from its cash equity markets trading to the ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation and nabtrade are donating a full day’s brokerage revenue!

Let’s ring the bell for charity!

The Today Show will be doing a live cross to celebrate the ringing of the bell with Brooke Corte, host of Money News.

The ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation have been a long term supporter of Sunnyfield. Earlier this year their generous donation helped purchase a wheelchair modified van needed for our service in Maitland.

We look forward to being part of this amazing event!


For more information about Sunnyfield fundraising initiatives, contact our friendly team today on T 1300 588 688 or E

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