Sunnyfield Opens Ashfield Community Services Hub

October 19, 2015

On 19 October, Minister John Ajaka MLC  officially opened Sunnyfield’s Ashfield Community Services Centre.

Sunnyfield has been providing overnight respite services in the Inner West since 2001 and relocated the services from Homebush to Ashfield to support the demands for disability support services in the area.

“Sunnyfield’s Ashfield Community Services Centre provides assistance for many families supporting a person with disability.

It is a wonderful opportunity for clients to engage in many activities and increase their independence away from their families with short overnight stays,” says Caroline Cuddihy, CEO, Sunnyfield.

“Programs are designed around individual needs and focus on skill development and encouraging active participation within the community.”

Caroline Cuddihy

CEO, Sunnyfield

Ashfield Community Services Centre provides short term accommodation for both adults and children aged 7 -18 years with disability.

It offers support for families and acts as a home away from home for clients.

Located in the heart of Ashfield close to shops and public transport, the Centre has a large modern kitchen, open plan living area and safe and accessible garden area. A perfect setting for a range of individual and group based activities and programs.

The service operates 50 weeks of the year and provides a range of centre-based and community activities including cooking, craft, art classes, picnics, trips to the beach and parks, visits to museums, art galleries and sports venues.

“Our dedicated staff provide a safe, accessible and enriching environment for Sunnyfield clients. We are excited about the opening of the Ashfield Centre and the opportunities it will provide for people with disability in the Inner West and their families,” says Caroline.

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