Service agreements and choice and control

April 17, 2023

Dear Clients, Families, Guardians, and Carers,

I’d like to update you on some important improvements we have made to ensure your choice and control over the support services you receive from Sunnyfield.

Specifically, these improvements relate to the service agreement between you and Sunnyfield.

We are committed to ensuring your service agreement clearly reflects your right to exercise choice and control. You can talk to us about what you want to include in your service agreement, and we promise to listen to you and work with you to understand your needs.

We are reviewing our service agreements to simplify them and make them easier to follow. The new service agreements will be made available on our website by 21 April 2023. We are committed to working with each of you to put in place the service agreement which best suits your needs, desired outcomes, and future plans.

If you have an existing service agreement with Sunnyfield, you have the option to move to the new service agreement or retain your existing service agreement. Sunnyfield will discuss these options with you at a convenient time for you.

If you have any other suggestions or ideas for how we can improve our service at Sunnyfield please complete a Feedback Form.


Andrew Hyland



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