NDIS Roll Out in NSW Announced


September 17, 2015

Sunnyfield welcomes a historic agreement signed by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and NSW Premier Mike Baird on September 16th, 2015, which has delivered certainty for how and when the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will roll out across NSW.

The NDIS will be rolled out across NSW between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2018.

From 1 July 2016, people living in Hunter New England, Southern NSW, Central Coast, Northern Sydney, South Western Sydney, Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains will be able to access the NDIS.

From 1 July 2017, the NDIS will be in place across the rest of NSW, and people living in Northern NSW, Mid North Coast, Sydney, South Eastern Sydney, Illawarra Shoalhaven, Murrumbidgee, Western NSW and Far West NSW will be able to access the NDIS.

These locations reflect the current NSW disability and Health service districts.

With so many people coming into the scheme in such a short time it is important that there is a planned approach to how they access the NDIS. The majority of people currently receiving specialist disability supports will be able to access the NDIS in the first six months of each of the

The majority of people currently receiving specialist disability supports will be able to access the NDIS in the first six months of each of the two-year rollout periods, using a simplified access process.

This includes people who might be living in supported accommodation, accessing a community access service such as a day program or case management service.

People who access specialist disability support from time-to-time, or for a short amount of time each week will be able to access the NDIS throughout each of the two-year rollout periods.

People receiving respite services will go through a simplified access process. People receiving community care services will be supported to apply for access to the NDIS.

Supporting people who are in immediate need of assistance, and do not currently have support, is important during the rollout. There is some capacity during the rollout for people who have not previously received supports to access the scheme when it starts in their local area.

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