Minister for Disability opens doors for new Community Homes

Large Residential Centre Project Opening

November 24, 2017

Ray Williams, Minister for Multiculturalism and the Minister for Disability officially opened the first of nine purpose-built community homes as part of the NSW Government Large Residential Centre (LRC) Devolution Project on Sydney’s Northern Beaches this morning at 10.00am.

“Sunnyfield is extremely grateful to the NSW Government and its key project partners, this project has created positive life outcomes and forged new futures for people with disability on the Northern Beaches”. Caroline Cuddihy, Sunnyfield CEO

The project has been funded by NSW Government as part of its Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) LRC Redevelopment Program.  Sunnyfield has worked collaboratively with its project partners the NSW Government, and Landcom (formally Urban Growth NSW) to deliver the project. The first three homes have been designed by Mark Baxter (Baxter and Jacobson Architects) and the final six homes have been designed by Anthony Nolan (Kennedy Associates Architects).  All homes were tendered for and won by Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd (Builders).

“The NSW Government is proud to partner with Sunnyfield to allow 46 people with disability to benefit from living in personalised group homes. People with a disability should be able to enjoy a quality of life that is available to other NSW citizens, including opportunities to live closer to their families and in the broader community.” Ray Williams, Minister for Disability Services.

The LRC Devolution Project will provide new homes for 46 Sunnyfield clients on the Northern Beaches and feature spacious bedrooms, accessible bathrooms, shared living areas, fully equipped kitchens, modern facilities and entertainment areas in the backyard. The new environment for residents will promote community inclusion and support people with disability to build new life skills and contribute to the daily running of the home, with around the clock support from Sunnyfield staff. Relocation for the nine homes commenced in September 2017 and will be completed in April 2018.

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