Share your story – inspire the world

Access For All

October 11, 2024

Join us for the IDPWD by sharing your story to inspire the world.
Share with us a photo of you enjoying your hobby, learning a new skill, or having fun with your friends or family.
Or share a joke, a poem, a picture of your painting or a video of you singing …
There are no limits to your story.


December 3rd is International Day of People with Disability, a United Nations observed day that aims to increase public awareness and celebrate achievements of people with disabilities.

This year’s theme is:

“Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development: The Role of Innovation in Fuelling an Accessible and Equitable World.”

We would like to invite the Sunnyfield community to reimagine disability & unleash creativity via a fun competition.

Join us in celebrating #IDPWD24 for your chance to win & share your story using #AccessForAll.


Want to get involved? 

People with intellectual disability, their family members, carers and supporters are encouraged to share their stories, that highlight personal achievements.

Increase your chance of winning by intertwining it with the theme celebrating inclusion, accessibility or innovation:

What’s in it for you?

  1. First Prize: $100 Westfield Gift Card & $100 Uber Eats Card
  2. Second Prize: $50 Westfield Gift Card


 How to get involved? 

    1. SHARE:
      • email your story to:
      • or post to:
      • or share on your socials using #AccessForAll & #SunnyfieldDisability and tag @sunnyfield.disability
    2. FOLLOW Sunnyfield on Facebook or Instagram not to miss any announcements
    3. JOIN and have a chance to win no later than December 5, 2024

Then, sit back, relax and wait until December 10, 2024 when we’ll announce the winner & runner
up of our two prizes.


What to share?

  • Your day-to-day story or POV
  • Your successes, big or small
  • Your creations
  • Your life tips & tricks
  • Your talents
  • Your achievements
  • Your challenges
  • The support you give or receive
  • Experience from an event or program that your community organises or you participate in

We look forward to discovering the stories you choose to share.

Let’s get posting!

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