Herman’s Story

Sunnyfield News Hernan

March 13, 2019

Herman first got involved with Sunnyfield when his late wife volunteered in the 1970s. When she passed away, Herman became ill and was no longer physically able to care for his teenage son. This is how Tony came to move in to a Sunnyfield shared living home, where he still resides today. “Sunnyfield took over with Tony and that was a Godsend.”

Over the years, Tony has enjoyed his life with Sunnyfield and counts the people he lives with as his best friends. Most days, Tony will go on an outing of his choice with his carer, which will usually involve a coffee or two. Every Thursday he goes out for lunch with his father and siblings. “I’ve always thought this was fantastic here. The group of people, the boys here, it was always great,” Herman says. “Tony’s been looked after.”

Herman sees it as his duty to continue caring for his son by raising money and donating to Sunnyfield. “I stood on the road side with a bucket, collecting money for Sunnyfield,” Herman remembers of his early involvement. “I was doing it for my own son.” Herman sees his monthly donations as very little, however he recognises that they add up over time and have made a significant and positive impact on Tony’s life.

“Sunnyfield took over with Tony and that was a Godsend.”

Without Sunnyfield, Herman would not have been able to give Tony the life he has today. Herman has seen first hand the work that everyone at Sunnyfield does to support Tony in the life that he chooses, and encourages others to become Friends of Sunnyfield and helping create choice, opportunities and skills for life.

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