Getting it right with Support Coordination

Getting it right with Support Coordination

August 3, 2020

Maya (9) and Moses (10) are siblings who, like all kids, just want to get out and socialise with other kids.

Feeling a bit lost their Grandmother, Colleen, wasn’t sure where to start. When she discovered Sunnyfield Support Coordination it opened doors. “They’ve been so helpful in guiding me in the right direction. The one-on-one support is just excellent. It’s changed my life and the kids’ lives – we love it.”

Finding the right supports

Sunnyfield Support Coordinator, Debby, is a guru of support services, dedicated to helping Colleen, Maya and Moses find the right support they need. “Debby is excellent and very hands-on, always willing to talk to me when I need.”

Working with Maya and Moses to identify their dreams, Debby helped find a Speech Therapist and OT that Maya and Moses love. Debby also suggested social groups at their local Sunnyfield Community Services Hub in Singleton, where they now attend 2 afternoons a week and school holiday programs. “What I’m most ecstatic about is the community access Maya & Moses have received. Moses loves it – being able to socialise in the community. He refers to it as his Boy Guide.”

For more information about Sunnyfield Support Coordination, contact our friendly team today on T 1300 588 688 or E

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