Emma pursues her interests without limits

Sunnyfield Emma Tamworth Horse

January 17, 2018

There is a certain elegance about a young woman like Emma when you see her in the saddle. Every week she takes the reins of her favourite horse, Ice Cream. Her calm and gentle nature creates a special bond with her mare. What was once a hobby is now a passion.

“I love riding Ice Cream, she is my favourite horse.”

Through community and recreational access supports, Emma has the whole world at her fingertips. Her tastes have diversified and her schedule is now full! With everything from gym and swimming, to line dancing and bocce – she can pursue her interests without limits.

Adult group-based activities

If you are interested in adult group-based activities, start the conversation today and contact our friendly
Client Engagement Team on 1300 588 688 or click the button below for more information.

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