Disability Enterprises open their doors to show their ‘Work in Action’

October 30, 2017

This week Disability Enterprises across Australia will be hosting events to highlight the importance of supported employment for people with disability. Our Work in Action week is designed to showcase what Disability Enterprises do, share the stories of supported employees and bust some myths about supported employment.

Sunnyfield CEO Caroline Cuddihy said, “Sunnyfield has enabled meaningful employment for currently 260 people with disability, who deliver valued services to over 70 business customers, for the last 40 plus years. We are very proud to align ourselves with other Australian Disability Enterprises and BuyAbility to raise awareness of the meaningful work opportunities and significant social impact that Australian Disability Enterprises provide for people with disability.”

BuyAbility is an initiative of National Disability Services and its members, to promote and secure a thriving supported employment sector – one that produces high-quality products and services and meaningful employment and training opportunities for people with disability.

NDS Chief Executive Ken Baker said, “BuyAbility is about celebrating the value of supported employment. 177 not-for-profit Disability Enterprises employ almost 21,000 people with disability who otherwise would be excluded from work. Disability Enterprises create enormous social and economic benefits for their local communities and Australia. Each year Disability Enterprises save the Australian government close to 500 million dollars.”

“Honi Mendham is one of many supported employees who loves their job at Sunnyfield Enterprises. Honi has been a committed and dedicated supported employee for over 22 years and is a friendly, co-operative hard worker. Sunnyfield Enterprises has provided new opportunities and skills development to support Honi’s goal for the next 12 months of developing her work skills in the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) area. Honi says she enjoys going to work because ‘it’s fun packing the TGA products’. Throughout the year, Honi looks forward to Sunnyfield Enterprises social activities with her colleagues.” Said Caroline Cuddihy.

From October 30th to November 1st Sunnyfield Enterprises will be hosting Open Days at each of the Sunnyfield Supported Employment commercial packaging and training facilities located in Allambie Heights, Chatswood and Mt.Druitt. Attendees will have the opportunity to tour the facilities, experience the variety of work undertaken and gain a greater understanding of the variety of job roles and training programs provided.

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