Diane gets her health back on track


April 1, 2021

 “One day at a time but give me a push”

Diane joined Sunnyfield’s Community Access in the Hunter in January with the goal to get her mental and physical health back on track. Having issues with aching feet, Diane’s Support Worker, Valerie, assisted her with booking an appointment with a local Orthopaedic Specialist and finding correct and appropriate footwear to help alleviate any pain.

Diane now walks the beautiful Speers Point walking track daily with her Support Worker and is proud to have lost 18 kilos and counting. Her goal is to lose another 15-20kgs! To continue her journey to her goal, she has asked her Support Worker to attend aqua aerobics classes, which she started last week.

In addition, Diane has been implementing healthy meal choices at home. Assisted by her Support Worker, Valerie, they have been working on the Cooking and Meal Prep modules of Sunnyfield’s Skills for Life program.

The changes so far have had such a positive impact on Diane’s life. She is feeling more confident in herself and when talking to others. Her strive for health doesn’t stop there. Diane’s next goal is to quit smoking, which she has discussed with her Support Worker. Together they’re putting together a plan with appropriate supports to help her reach her goal.
Diane’s motto is “One day at a time but give me a push”. She is an inspiration to the whole team.

If you’d like to know more about our Community Programs in the Hunter Region, contact our Customer Services Team T 1300 588 688 or E enquiries@sunnyfield.org.au

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