Getting your jab


August 30, 2021

Webinar for people with intellectual disability

The Department of Health is doing a webinar about the COVID-19 vaccine for people with intellectual disability on Wednesday 1 September 2021.

How to participate

The Department of Health is doing a webinar about the Covid-19 vaccine for people with intellectual disability. The webinar is for people with an intellectual disability and supporters.

The webinar is a chat between:

  • Tara Elliffe, a self-advocate from NSW
  • Dr Nick Lennox who works for the Department of Health
  • Jamie Bannister from Inclusion Australia will also help with questions and other things.

You will be able to ask Tara and Nick questions about the COVID vaccine and people with an intellectual disability.

To register for the webinar, please click on this link:

If you have any questions, please email Jamie Bannister at Inclusion Australia:

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