Career building experience at Cessnock

September 14, 2022

Sunnyfield Cessnock’s Work Ready program focuses on supporting clients to build the skills and knowledge to enter the workforce or fulfil the requirements for further training.

So far, the participants have been very busy!

They have stepped out into the neighbourhood to lend a hand and carry out work tasks for businesses and locals within the community, from letterbox dropping for Sternbeck’s Real Estate to mowing & sweeping for community soccer fields and collecting wood for the elderly.

“Making friends and going out into the community” is Cessnock participant, Clinton Mitchell’s favourite part of the program.

Paul, Daniel, Clinton, Denny, Jordan and Luke are all ticking boxes and working towards achieving their goals and growing their independence.

Whether aiming to join the workforce, volunteer, start studying, or obtain their driver’s licence or work certifications, these outings make a big difference in helping participants build the skills necessary to achieve their NDIS goals.

Congratulations to all of the Cessnock’s Work Ready participants for their fantastic efforts amongst the community so far!

For more information on Cessnock Hub’s programs click here


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