Are you really ok?
Let’s start the conversation
It goes without saying, the last 18 months have been challenging. What we’re all experiencing is new and it’s difficult because it’s the first time we as a community are collectively experiencing adversity in some form or way. As an individual, when you experience hardship people gather around to support you, to bring you back up. But at present, the collective is experiencing hardship and effectively removing the crutches from under our arms. We’re all out of steam.
While it’s hard to muster up the energy, it’s more important than ever to be checking in with your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and loved ones. In a time that feels very disconnected and distant, everyone has a role to play in ensuring the people in their world are supported. Never underestimate your ability to have a positive impact on someone’s life. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small.
So in the lead up to R U OK Day, make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going. Are they really OK?
Still feeling uninspired? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. The fantastic people over at Action For Happiness have put together a ‘Coping Calendar’ with 30 actions to help you look after yourself and the people around you.

Download calendar here.