Sunnyfield Scouts Port Stephens
Sunnyfield Scouts is a program designed to help make learning essential life skills an enjoyable experience. Earn badges as you master skills like numeracy skills, cooking, laundry, bed-making, and travel training.
Tuesdays 3pm to 7pm
07 Jan 2025
Week 1: Travel Training
Let’s learn how to find and read public transport timetables and use Trip Planner. Use these skills to plan and complete an outing on local public transport. Please bring your topped up Opal Card so we can practice tapping on and off.
Activity Cost
$14 Jan 2025
Week 2: Cooking and Nutrition
Activity Cost
$21 Jan 2025
Week 3: Making Plans and Organisation
Let’s discuss our goals for the future and how we can work towards achieving them by learning to set realistic and achievable goals. We’ll learn how to overcome obstacles, handle setbacks and persevere.
Activity Cost
$28 Jan 2025
Week 4: Computer and Technology Skills
Today, we will learn basic computer and phone skills. Practice your typing, learn to use email and make phone calls, and learn the basics of using the internet to find information that can further our independence. Additionally, learn about cyber safety.
Activity Cost
$04 Feb 2025
Week 5: Communication
Enjoy learning about communication and self-advocacy; being able to communicate with others using our words and body language to express ourselves and our needs, and to set boundaries. We will also practice active listening skills so that we can understand others in return.
Activity Cost
$11 Feb 2025
Week 6: Household Skills
Today, we’ll develop our cleaning skills and expand our knowledge with other useful household skills such as changing batteries, organising, checking smoke detectors, sorting rubbish, and more.
Activity Cost
$18 Feb 2025
Week 7: Problem Solving
Let’s develop our problem solving and teamwork skills. We will roleplay several scenarios and work together to find solutions. We will develop our independence, cooperation, compromise skills, and our ability to cope with change.
Activity Cost
$25 Feb 2025
Week 8: Self-Care and Hygiene
This week we’ll learn practical skills in self-care and personal hygiene. We’ll develop routines to help us build confidence, feel our best and develop healthy habits.
Activity Cost
$04 March 2025
Week 9: Job Skills
Today, we’ll develop skills that are important in the workplace but can also be useful in our day to day lives. Learn about time management, professionalism, confidentiality, resume writing, how we present ourselves, and more.
Activity Cost
$11 March 2025
Week 10: First Aid
It is important to regularly refresh our memory of first aid. This week we will revise our first aid skills and knowledge from last term as while also learning some new first aid.
Activity Cost
$18 March 2025
Week 11: Recap Week
Didn’t earn all your badges the first time? This week we will revisit any tasks you did not complete to help refresh your skills.
Activity Cost
$25 March 2025
Week 12: Graduation and Badge Ceremony
Time for celebration! We will receive our certificate and badges for all our achievements in the Sunnyfield Scouts program.