Cessnock Skills Program
Weekdays 9am to 3pm
Manic Mondays
Micro Brew Crew
Who doesn’t need a caffeine fix to start their day! Look no further than brew crew. Become a coffee connoisseur like no other. Join the team who delivers spectacular local coffee to our neighbouring businesses. Learn money skills, managing orders and deliveries, time management and customer service. We will charge a small delivery fee for our services which will contribute to working towards a Barista Skills certificate. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity Cost
Terrific Tuesdays
Inclusive Joy
Join us for a heartwarming experience as we spread joy and companionship at Jacaranda Grove Nursing Home. We will be running leisurely activities, sharing stories and brightening the day for the residents. Together we will create a warm and loving environment that enriches their lives and ours. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity cost: TBA
Activity Cost
Wonderful Wednesdays
Empowering Employment
Empowering employment one step at a time! Whether it’s creating a resume, interview skills or work placement we have the group for you. We will work with you on your individual employment goals to get you where you want to be! Jump on board the success train! Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity Cost
Tremendous Thursdays
Wellness Wave
Embark on a journey to better health through fitness and nutrition. Learn to incorporate a balance of strength, cardio and flexibility to enhance your physical well-being. Coupled with information on a nutritious diet learning about lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you’re not just fueling your body but also nourishing it from within. Stay motivated and enjoy the process of becoming the best version of yourself. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity cost $TBA