Cessnock Hub
Life at Cessnock is all about fun and friends. It’s a buzzing environment full of group activities and events such as our Skills for Life program and even tailored personalised programs to suit your specific needs. There’s something going on every day including recycling projects, sewing, fishing, arts, and outdoor men’s group organising meetups all week. Top everything off with an outdoor recreational area, break-out spaces, and kitchen facilities and you’ll always feel right at home.
Weekdays 9am to 3pm
Manic Mondays
Micro Business and Baking
Micro Business is all about brainstorming, creating, and working together to create awesome products to sell to our local community! We will create everything from the ground up, using all things natural and recyclable. We will also create the most delicious treats that are impossible to say no to. Jump on board as we collaborate to grow our business together. Please bring a packed lunch.
The Sunnyfield Cessnock Times
Let’s get the weekly scoop. Join us as we investigate and collate all things local and Sunnyfield. We are your go to news gurus with a weekly newsletter that keeps you digging for more! We will learn how to develop and build our skills in media whilst getting out and about in the community, you may even catch us on the radio or a podcast! Keep an eye out for our monthly newsletter with all the Hub goss. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity Cost
Terrific Tuesdays
Wave Makers $10
Dive into fun with our aqua fitness program! Get ready to splash laugh and tone up while making waves with friends. Join us for an energising workout that will have you feeling refreshed for the week ahead.
Cessnock Community Connections
There is no better feeling than giving back to your local community and what better way to do so then with our Cessnock Community Giveback program! We could be planting a tree, painting a fence, or helping our less fortunate community members to brighten their day and put a smile on all our faces. Please bring a packed lunch.
Tour and Explore
Is it a bus, train or an automobile? No! it’s the super Sunnyfield tour and explore day. Grab your Opal card and come along to explore your local surroundings. Along the way, we’ll stop for a quick bite and renergise before getting back on route. This program will include travel training and safe use of public transport. Please bring a topped-up Opal card.
Activity Cost
Wonderful Wednesday
Chop it Like it’s Hot $10
Get ready to turn up the heat in the Hub kitchen with the Cessnock’s newest chefs. This cooking program will bring out the inner Gordon Ramsey in you. Together we will cook up a storm and create mouthwatering dishes that will impress even the toughest food critics! Nourish your body with our delicious creations for lunch.
Bowls Bonanza $10
Join us at ECBC for a bit of friendly competition whilst we learn the art of lawn bowls! We’ll perfect our skills with every roll, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro this sport is great for players of all abilities. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity Cost
Tremendous Thursdays
The Green Team
Getting out in our local community we will collect and deposit recyclable goods. Saving up the raised money to purchase equipment for the Hub or for exciting group adventures. We will learn all things recycling and how we can make small changes to benefit our environment. We’ll also build our skills in money handling and work towards our fundraising goal of developing our Hub. Please bring a packed lunch.
Imagination Station $10
Let’s dive into the world of creativity where we will use our wildest imagination to create masterpieces! Whether it’s cake decorating, wreath making or dried flower arrangements there’s something in the Imagination Station for everyone to enjoy. Please bring a packed lunch.
Nature and Nurture
Let’s create joy and wellness through art and craft therapy with Renee from Nature and Nurture. We will build fine motor and problem-solving skills while enhancing communication and expressing self-esteem. Let’s bring our masterpieces home to showcase our experience. This program is cost free thanks to a generous grant from a local organisation. Please bring a packed lunch.
Activity Cost
Fantastic Fridays
Friday Vibes $25
The name says it all! Let’s set the tone for the weekend, we will get out and about in the community and make our mark whilst we build friendships, social connections, and meaningful memories. How else would you rather end your week! Please bring packed lunch or option to buy.
Timeless Friends $5
Wind down from your week, lets bake, create, scrapbook or head out to our local for a game of bingo. Whatever your preference is, the Timeless Friends is the perfect way to welcome the weekend! Please bring a packed lunch.