Disability Royal Commission Report

Communications about the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) Final Report.

Sunnyfield welcomes the work of the Disability Royal Commission.

The Final Report of the Royal Commission set out a vision of an inclusive Australia, in which “people with disability live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation; human rights are protected; and individuals live with dignity, equality and respect, can take risks, and develop and fulfil their potential.”

Sunnyfield supports this vision and we are committed to playing our role in helping to achieve it.

We are progressing on our continuous improvement work. We have taken significant positive steps on systems and processes throughout our organisation.

We will also be contributing to the process the government has established to consider the recommendations. We will be asking our clients, families and guardians, employment partners, and others for their views as well and bringing this forward through our sector collaborations, so that together we create an inclusive society that upholds the human rights of people with disability.

Chair Karen Ingram         CEO Andrew Hyland