Ana’s Sunnyfield Story

Ana’s Sunnyfield Story

Ana has always strived to be open to new opportunities, adapt to her environment, and develop her skills. Her passion for supporting people with a disability grew from having a 3-year-old niece with Down syndrome, “I’m very motivated to provide the right...
Take the hassle out of rostering

Take the hassle out of rostering

The new in-built scheduling system that will be part of Compass will make rostering a breeze. Listen to David Hush as he describes what shift scheduling will look like with Compass.  
Career building experience at Cessnock

Career building experience at Cessnock

Sunnyfield Cessnock’s Work Ready program focuses on supporting clients to build the skills and knowledge to enter the workforce or fulfil the requirements for further training. So far, the participants have been very busy! They have stepped out into the neighbourhood...
Maroubra Specialist Disability Accommodation Opens!

Maroubra Specialist Disability Accommodation Opens!

Emotions were high when Richard and Lucas received the keys to their new home. Sunnyfield’s first Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) service has opened in Maroubra. The purpose-built home is the first of a series of architecturally designed SDA homes being...
Supported Employee Spotlight: Meet Peter

Supported Employee Spotlight: Meet Peter

After working for 42 years as a Process Worker, Peter says it’s the people that make coming to work a breeze. Peter is the sort of colleague we all hope to encounter – welcoming, kind and always looking out for the new kid on the block. Well known amongst his...
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