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Your feedback is important to us.

Give feedback, make a compliment or complaint about anything you think is important.

Sharing your feedback

We are not only in the business of enriching the lives of people with disability, we are also in the business of improving the way we do this. So if you have any feedback about the things we have done well, or the things we could do better, then please get in contact with us.


Feedback Resources

Online Feedback Form

Click here to complete the form.

Feedback Guide

Click here to view and access the guide.

Easy English

Click here to view and access the Easy English Feedback Guide.

Providing Feedback to Sunnyfield

Sunnyfield is committed to responding to all feedback, compliments and complaints in a timely and transparent way in line with our policy and procedures, and the requirements of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

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I would like to remain anonymous

If you would like to remain anonymous you can select ‘I would like to remain anonymous’ on the feedback form or you can use the independent whistleblower provider, Stopline. The Stopline Whistleblower Hotline is provided for any employee, supplier or customer to anonymously report suspected or actual wrongdoing. Stopline is Australia’s leading provider of whistleblowing programs and related hotline, investigation and forensic technology services.

If you are accessing service from NSW

If you are receiving services in NSW and are not satisfied with our response to a complaint you have made about Sunnyfield services, you have the right to complain to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. The commission’s website has detailed information about the types of complaints they can and cannot investigate and what actions they are able to take to resolve them.

If you are accessing service from the ACT

If you are receiving services in the ACT and have a complaint about Sunnyfield services, you can also complain to the ACT Disability and Community Services Commissioner (through the ACT Human Rights Commission) or Quality, Complaints and Regulation within the Community Services Directorate.

If you are accessing Employment Services

If you have a complaint about services received through Sunnyfield Enterprises, you can contact the Complaints Resolution & Referral Service.

If you have a complaint about your NDIS Plan or the NDIA

If you are in either NSW or the ACT and have a complaint about your NDIS plan or the NDIA, please contact the NDIA.

Why should you give feedback?

Feedback is important for you and for us. By giving us feedback you can

  • Get the help and support you need
  • Change things that make you unhappy
  • Help other people who are unhappy
  • Help us thank staff who do a good job
  • Help us make our services better
Who can give feedback?
  • Clients
  • Family and friends
  • Carers and guardians
  • Staff
  • Advocates
  • Community members
How to give feedback

You can choose how you want to give feedback or make a complaint.

In Person

You can talk to anyone working at Sunnyfield, including a General Manager or the Chief Executive Officer.

T 02 8977 8899

You can provide feedback to Sunnyfield by completing our Feedback Form

In writing

Attn: Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 193, Frenchs Forest, NSW 1640


Using our approved whistleblower provider Stopline

If you wish to remain anonymous when making a complaint.


T 1300 30 45 50

Online feedback form

If you would like to provide feedback to Sunnyfield, complete our Feedback Form