Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary

Sunnyfield’s Members are partners of Sunnyfield that add value and meaning to Sunnyfield’s mission and purpose.

Children Playing in a Short Term Accommodation Home

Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary

The Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary meet on a regular basis typically every two months and frequently arrange for presentations to be made by Sunnyfield management, politicians, experts and VIPs. You may wish to nominate topics that you would like covered, such as Wills, trusts, guardianship, powers of attorney, self-management, accommodation and independent living.

You can ask for special subjects relevant to disability to be explored as well. At present, there are Auxiliary groups operating in Northern Sydney, by becoming a Member of Sunnyfield you can get involved with the Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary groups.

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Staying in touch

Being a family founded organisation, managed by family members for the first 40 or so years, Sunnyfield understands the critical importance of not only supporting people with disability, but also working with families and carers to ensure they have access to the information they need to support their family member.

We also recognise and encourage the mutual support families frequently provide to one another and invite all new Members to participate in the Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary Group.

Northern Sydney